The Four Pillars Guarding A Successful Career


Laszlo Bock, as the in-charge of hiring at Google said that while hiring new employees, the company looks for soft-skills like leadership, humility, collaboration, adaptability, and loving to learn and re-learn. 


Why would a company, as big as Google, that recruits from the world’s best institutions look at hiring people who can re-learn what they have already learned? Well, it is because the world around us changes every moment, and we need to keep pace with these changes. And while we prepare our kids to grab jobs in companies like Microsoft, Apple, and Google, we also need to prepare them to learn, unlearn, and re-learn in their professional lives.

The preparation for this starts at schools itself, where with just a few add-ons to the classroom education, a student can be prepared for the larger goals of their lives. Let’s quickly see what these add-ons are.

1. 21 st Century Skills: The skills that help students to think critically, communicate, collaborate with people and organizations, work on life skills, self-direct our goals and bring innovation in education and in our personal life. A lot of careers now will demand these traits out of us and we should be ready to unlearn and relearn according to the needs of the market.

Read our compilation of what 21st-century skills are here.

2. Socio-Emotional Learning(SEL): It is the process of developing and using social and emotional skills. The skillset includes understanding and managing emotions, setting and achieving positive goals, establishing and maintaining positive relationships, and most of all make rational decisions to react in a particular situation. A child might excel in math or science but without the development of these core life abilities, it all means nothing. Combining these skills with academics results in quality education for all.

Read how is SEL truly 'education for the future'.

3. Education for Sustainable Development (ESD): According to UNESCO, ESD aims to integrate the principles of Sustainable Development into all aspects of education and learning, to encourage changes in values and attitudes with the vision of enabling a more just society for all. We need to take action responsibly based on the understanding that what we do today can have implications on the lives of people and the planet. It empowers us to change the way we think and work towards a sustainable future.

Read how ESD fills all gaps of Adjectival Education.

4. Global Citizenship Education: It entails understanding the processes of critical inquiry and using the processes in service of global citizenship as well as, developing an understanding of mindfulness, empathy and compassion, and use these to enhance our emotional wellbeing and social relationships. It also aims at demonstrating pro-social behavior towards others, including those belonging to a different race, ethnicity, culture, color, gender or nationality thereby, developing an understanding of Global Citizenship.

Read about Brainwiz's implementation of UNESCO-MGIEP's Global Citizenship Program across India.

But how do we go about acquiring these skills and securing a better future for us and our next generations? This is where Brainwiz steps in to revolutionize the way we look at and think about education in order to break down these four pillars and adapt them into our daily lives.

Get in touch with us to start the journey of transformation for your kids today!

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